Tech Inc.


the Future

We started small.

HYPC | DAO is not just a Decentralized Autonomous Organization; it's a testament to innovation and community empowerment. Born from the collective vision of being Hypercycle Node Runners, HYPC | DAO emerged as a pioneering force in the decentralized finance space. Our journey began with a commitment to democratize access to financial opportunities and empower individuals worldwide.

Tech Pattern 3D Lined Shape
What s special about being part of hypc dao
People in an Office
Photo Of People Doing Handshakes

offer web 2 & web 3

Thanks to HYPC | DAO Strategic Partnerships with Brand Kiln we can provide any Solution Architecture Platform & App Dev Web 2.0 & Web 3.0

Become a node runner

We have more than 10 HYPC | DAO Ambassadors around the globe running Hypercycle Parent Nodes . Join us on our Hypercycle Revolution

Woman Coding on Computer

Converting energy into intelligence

We are pioneers on the Hypercycle Journey and we have been earning (Uptime Tilling & Reputation Since 02/09/2024).

why choose us

Stay Ahead of the curve

Our mission is to revolutionize the way people interact with decentralized platforms, offering a seamless and inclusive experience for users of all backgrounds.

Proof of work


  • 10 HYPC | HUBs - (HYPC | DAO Node Runners) around the globe.
  • Activated more than 10 Ambassadors & Node Runners
  • + 18 HyperAIBox´s Running diversified around the globe.
  • +100 Parent Nodes
  • + 102,400 $HYPC Tokens
  • Ambassadors building Strong DAO´s Expanding our vision of Node Runners

building 24/7

Our community is growing constantly around the world. While we keep converting energy into intelligence ; our Parent Nodes keep multiplying for our HYPC | DAO Tech


HYPC|DAO - Node runners - Built on

Tech Pattern 3D Lined Shape
Tech Pattern Concentric Irregular Rings
Tech Pattern Concentric Irregular Rings Blank in Middle
102 400


Parent Nodes

$HYPC Tokens


  • Canada
  • India
  • Macedonia
  • Mexico
  • Portugal
  • Costa Rica
  • Alemania

100 Parent Nodes

Multiple Licences

Diversified around

The world

Protected with Multi-Signature Wallet by Ambassadors and NFT Holders.

We envision a future where financial freedom is not just a privilege but a fundamental right, and our philosophy revolves around transparency, accessibility, and community-driven governance. At HYPC | DAO , we are not just building a Decentralized Autonomous Organization; we are shaping a movement towards a more equitable and decentralized financial ecosystem.


Find us at
Strategic Partners

1st HYPC Node Runners on Cardano.

HYPC | DAO - Tech Partners

Pangolin Protocol Discord

Web3 Services on Cardano

Hypc hub s
costa rica